The mobile internet usage of the BASE postpaid customers boomed (+40%) during the "FREE SURF WEEKEND"

The free surf-weekend was a success. Most of our postpaid customers enjoyed a free and unlimited access to the 3G and 4G network. Result: a growth of 40% in usage for the BASE postpaid customers.

A few weeks ago, within the scope of the Surf Mobile campaign, BASE decided to offer all its postpaid customers one weekend free mobile internet access (3G and 4G). The Surf Mobile campaign was launched recently by our Minister of the Digital Agenda, Alexander De Croo, and the BIPT.

There were only two to do’s on the agenda 3 and 4 October: surf and discover! Today we can say that this free surf-weekend was a success.

1,02 million postpaid customers could benefit of free and unlimited mobile internet access for 48 hours. Most of them took this opportunity… with a positive impact on their usage.

Comparing this weekend (3-4 October) with the last weekend of September, we see that 13 terabytes more mobile data have been shared and/or used on the BASE-network this weekend. ‘13 terabytes’, that is more than 1,2 million video views on YouTube (in standard quality) or more than 10 years non-stop listening to Spotify via streaming.

Compared to the last weekend of September, we also see that this free surf-weekend, meant a growth in usage with 40% for the BASE postpaid customers (prepaid card users excluded).

The data traffic peaked on Sunday at 18h hours. Brussels is, before Antwerp, the city where most mobile data was used on the BASE-network this weekend. The largest progression was measured in Verviers where there was a boom of… 199% compared to the last weekend of September. The apps that were used most and where there was the biggest increase in usage were: Facebook, Google and YouTube.

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About BASE

BASE's credo is to offer mobile, internet and television products and services that meet the essential needs of our customers, no more, no less. We believe that customers know themselves best, which is why we put them in control, so that they manage their services themselves and only pay for what they really need. We are committed to giving them all the tools they need to do this and to guiding and supporting them, while providing them with simple, transparent services tailored to their needs, for a good value for money. At BASE, we want to stay close to the people.

BASE is a brand belonging to the Telenet Group (Belgian provider of entertainment and telecommunications services) offering mobile telephony (calls, SMS and mobile data), internet and television services throughout Belgium.

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Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mechelen
BTW BE 0462.925.669 -
RPR Antwerpen, div. Mechelen