BASE customers can test mobile internet one weekend for free

BASE will support the initiative of the Minister for the Digital Agenda Alexander De Croo and telecom regulator (BIPT) to promote mobile internet for all for 100%. That is why all BASE, JIM Mobile, Contact Mobile, Türk Telekom and Allo RTL customers will have free and unlimited access to the network on the weekend of 3 and 4 October. For those looking to extend the experience, BASE is launching the "25 Giga mobile internet for 10 euros" offer, valid until the end of November. 


Consult SNCB timetables. Bypass traffic jams in Brussels or Antwerp. Read your newspaper. Post your latest family selfie instantly on Facebook. Compare the wine list at the restaurant or even remotely adjust the temperature inside your home. These days, Belgians can use their smartphone to deal with these small everyday tasks.

Over the past three years, mobile internet use has more than tripled in Belgium. With six out of ten Belgians using their phone to surf in 2015, Belgium has now joined the ranks of other European countries. Yet this percentage masks two realities. On the one hand, you have the advanced users who are glued to their screen wherever they are. On the other, you have users (often a little older or isolated) who are still largely unaware of the possibilities of their smartphone, who remain sceptical about the added value of the many applications available and who are worried about their bill at the end of the month.

Here it is interesting to note that within the big family of BASE customers, today 75% of 25-30 years use mobile internet almost daily. But this ratio falls to 20% for the 55-60 years age group.  


There shouldn’t be a digital divide. For us, there is one certainty: the future is mobile. BASE is therefore supporting the initiative of the Minister for the Digital Agenda Alexander De Croo and telecommunications regulator - BIPT - to promote mobile internet for all. 

For BASE, supporting means being there for the consumer. All BASE (postpaid) customers can thus enjoy free and unlimited access for surfing during the weekend of 3 and 4 October. The offer is also valid for Jim Mobile, Contact Mobile, Allo RTL and TTM customers.

”This weekend is to allow each of our customers to test the practical possibilities offered by the mobile Internet today, without worrying about their consumption for 48 hours.", says Jos Donvil, CEO of BASE Company.      


For customers who can’t wait to try it out or who are eager to prolong the experience, this free access mobile internet weekend is coupled with an unprecedented offer on the Belgian mobile market. Starting today, interested BASE postpaid customers can get 25 Giga of mobile internet to be used in Belgium for only EUR 10. This offer can be added as a subscription option. It will run throughout the month of October. These 25 gigabytes will be valid until the 30th of November.

Our customers with prepaid cards are not forgotten. In October, they will be offered an additional gigabyte of data for all subscriptions to a "surf and email" option with a specific mobile internet focus.

"25 gigabytes is more than 25 times the Belgian’s average monthly mobile internet consumption. This corresponds to 100 hours of teleconferencing, 700 hours of listening to music via streaming or 2,000 video views on YouTube. That's enough to experience a truly mobile life with no constraints. BASE is in agreement with BIPT on this point, by saying that mobile Internet is as simple and functional today as the Internet connection at home. The difference with mobile internet is that you don’t have to stay at home.", points out Jos Donvil, CEO of BASE.

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About BASE

BASE's credo is to offer mobile, internet and television products and services that meet the essential needs of our customers, no more, no less. We believe that customers know themselves best, which is why we put them in control, so that they manage their services themselves and only pay for what they really need. We are committed to giving them all the tools they need to do this and to guiding and supporting them, while providing them with simple, transparent services tailored to their needs, for a good value for money. At BASE, we want to stay close to the people.

BASE is a brand belonging to the Telenet Group (Belgian provider of entertainment and telecommunications services) offering mobile telephony (calls, SMS and mobile data), internet and television services throughout Belgium.

The BASE newsroom can be found at


Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mechelen
BTW BE 0462.925.669 -
RPR Antwerpen, div. Mechelen