Mobile internet weekend: BASE offers 48 hours of free surfing to all its subscribers!

As part of the Surf Mobile campaign, all of our postpaid customers will be given free and unlimited access to mobile Internet this weekend (3-4 October). 48 hours to test the possibilities, free and unlimited in Belgium. Surf and discover.

The future is mobile. Nearly six out of ten Belgians are now using a smartphone to surf the Internet. Are they doing it with complete confidence? Are they really exploring all the possibilities? And what are the barriers holding back other potential users? Just over a week ago, the Federal Minister of the Digital Agenda, Alexander de Croo, launched a Surf Mobile campaign to make October the month for promoting mobile Internet in Belgium. 


 "Try it and you’ll want it!", says De Croo. BASE has taken up the challenge to the letter."And a challenger, doesn’t leave a job half done," explains Jos Donvil, CEO of BASE.

While other operators will offer one, two or even five Giga to customers sometimes strictly defined we will go much further. All BASE postpaid customers will be given completely unlimited mobile Internet access (3G & 4G) free of charge this coming weekend (3 and 4 October).

The green light is set for Saturday at 00h01. The experiment will last until Sunday at 23h59. No need to register or activate any kind of formula. All our subscribers (1.022 million) have personally received a text message inviting them to take up this offer, an offer never seen before in Belgium: the megabyte counters will be frozen for 48 hours. So, surf and discover!


For subscribers who would like to extend the experiment further, this weekend of free mobile Internet access is combined with a promotion never seen on the Belgian mobile market. BASE postpaid customers who want to, can obtain 25 Giga of mobile Internet (to be used in Belgium), for only €10. This promotion is added as an option to their subscription.

BASE clients who communicate using a prepaid card but who would still like to benefit from the month of mobile Internet in Belgium are not forgotten. In October they will be offered an additional Giga of data to their "Surf and mail 10" option. More info is available on

On 31 August 2015, BASE's 4G-network covered 88.14% of the Belgian population (99.88% on 3G). 

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About BASE

BASE's credo is to offer mobile, internet and television products and services that meet the essential needs of our customers, no more, no less. We believe that customers know themselves best, which is why we put them in control, so that they manage their services themselves and only pay for what they really need. We are committed to giving them all the tools they need to do this and to guiding and supporting them, while providing them with simple, transparent services tailored to their needs, for a good value for money. At BASE, we want to stay close to the people.

BASE is a brand belonging to the Telenet Group (Belgian provider of entertainment and telecommunications services) offering mobile telephony (calls, SMS and mobile data), internet and television services throughout Belgium.

The BASE newsroom can be found at


Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mechelen
BTW BE 0462.925.669 -
RPR Antwerpen, div. Mechelen